Today, I was Miss Home Improvement. Not only did I stick to my simplify life campaign (more to come on that soon), but I also stain treated the couches and vacuumed the carpets- including under things! And that's not all...
Before I could even think about vacuuming I had to solve the mystery of the dust bunny. Which meant rescuing it from the depths of the vacuum hose and finding it a lovely home at the bottom of our trashcan. After that, viola! The vacuum now works and we are saved from the curse of crumbs.
After tackling the vacuuming and stain treating, I set out to find the little devil rattling inside our fan. Ryan told me last night it wouldn't be an easy task, but I dived in anyway. First was finding a screwdriver, we have plenty, but this was still the hardest part... After that I simply opened the fan, reattached the loose piece with some sticky stuff and closed it up again. We now, thankfully have a quiet, cooling fan. And with summer in Phoenix heating up, we're gonna need it!
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